Kyle, we / I have had similar similar codepage problems 1 year ago, and here , you said, "Ultra Recall is a Unicode application, and Windows uses UTF-16 encoding for its APIs.
Text is converted to UTF-8 encoding when stored in the URD file."
Since that was 1 year ago, and AFTER UTF-8 import did all the äöüéÃ*è wrong, and then my Ansi trials worked fine, I hadn't remembered that very well, but remembered in the (mistaken) form that upon export, UR used UTF-8 then (btw, UTF-8 is not found by forum search, and for Ansi, I just find the link above, and this current thread).
So I'm at loss here, since I am 100 p.c. positive that any UTF-8 csv import does misrepresent non-ASCII characters in UR then - I saw it in the tree and in the content -, whilst Ansi csv import renders all those äöüéÃ*è correctly, both in the tree and in the content. So can we convene that csv import is the exception to the rule you stated over there? ;-)