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Old 06-05-2023, 01:53 AM
Spliff Spliff is online now
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Join Date: 04-07-2021
Posts: 212
Oh, my! Hadn't thought of that! Even (and especially) EmEditor (which I had declared inapt for the task above) is able to save non-BOM Unicode (or anything else) as BOM-Unicode.

(Hadn't ever seen the 2019's forum thread, and it's impossible to find "csv" or "UTF" (or "UTF-8") or other (even pertinent) 3-char search terms by the forum software's search (even tried google for "Ultra Recall forum" in vain, but not with "kinook", I have to admit) - whilst "Unicode" instead of "UTF" would have worked of course, just another case of not thinking of synonyms... took my 12 hours or so then, instead, on top of the bookmarks import script (which took much less) - so much for "debugging" vs the "constructive" work... when perhaps some fellow, long time, them, UR user could have chimed in, notifying me the thread I had overlooked, and which would have spared me the time. That being said

Thank you very much for your clarification, more than welcome to me, will ease up the necessary "workflow" a lot next time... and even (free and quite ubiquitous) Notepad++ can save UTF-8 without-BOM to UTF-8 with...
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