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Old 06-29-2023, 06:43 AM
cnewtonne cnewtonne is online now
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Join Date: 07-27-2006
Posts: 534
Long flag menu is a UI pain, please make it optional

Hi ...

I was surprised today in v6.3.0.2 to see that the flag menu has grown so big filling almost entire vertical screen line and sometimes stutters opening. I had never had any need for 32 flags. I do not even know why such a UI change was even necessary.

Please, is there a way to disable this long menu or delete these extra flags and just return it to its original length of 7 flags. Or maybe make addition flag show in a slide-out sub-menu. One other option is to allow users to add their own flags and grow the menu accordingly.

Seriously, the current implementation is a UI design flaw.

I'm going to downgrade back to

Thank you
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