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Old 01-21-2005, 05:51 PM
vamp07 vamp07 is online now
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Join Date: 01-05-2005
Posts: 38
Yeah not only could they be closed but you can create search barriers. Another thing nice about the IS approach is that when you search you still see your outline. This helps you only focus where you think in your outline what you want is. In UR your loose the frame of reference of the outline when doing a search.

Originally posted by PureMoxie
It's true that the value of the information will wane (or expire) over time. I figure I can always export out branches of completed or inactive projects, for example, to keep the outline relevant.

One thing I did like about IS was the ability to have different files in the outline; inactive files could be closed and not searched or viewed unless you really needed to.
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