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Old 02-15-2024, 05:21 AM
Spliff Spliff is online now
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Join Date: 04-07-2021
Posts: 210
Inbound links (to specific items) do not work

I've got a third-party application which allows for external linking:
I select some string, then ^k, then I have a dialog with input field, expected link format: drive:\path\filename.suffix (that's all, i.e. no file:// or file:/// or the like), but thankfully, it also accepts drive:/path/filename.suffix (/ insteasd of \).

> activates 1.db (as expected, ditto for D:\UR\1.db, of course)

> does nothing though, neither for the same, without the &pos=0 part

> does nothing, or even:
> opens my browser (!) with the url
> error message from browser (obviously)

(I made a lot more tries, with somewhat other (faulty) syntax, all in vain.)

Obviously, the problem is caused by the fact that UR links need that special "ur://" prefix (!), which is not understood by third-party software; perhaps, if there was an alternative, but more "regular" UR link format, for inbound links, like
that could possibly help, since third-party software would see the path part (d:/UR/1.db here), and therefore process the link, as far as they are concerned, and UR would then process the UR part, indicated by the bolded "ur:" substring above? As said, the same, without that, doesn't do anything either, obviously because UR "needs" (?) that "ur:", currently as prefix (!).

On the other hand, the command line
run, "C:\Program Files\UltraRecall\UltraRecall.exe" "d:\ur\1.db" /item 4379
run from within AHK (!), works fine, except for the fact that "position" is not possible, so it just opens the item, but doesn't also set a cursor to some previously determined position

(also, an additional /search "attribute" (which is text within that page) does nothing, /search obviously meaning global search here, not item-specific search, and as such is not combineable with /item)

but as "link" from within the third-party app,
"C:\Program Files\UltraRecall\UltraRecall.exe" "d:\ur\1.db" /item 4379
doesn't work either.

Any ideas how to make this possible? (just to specific items, but I suppose that if that was made possible, additional specific positions would not be a problem anymore, anyway?)

(I haven't tried with other third-party apps, but most of them use some format file:// or similar, and then, UR's ur: prefix might possibly cause problems, there too?)


I forgot to mention that
as "link" does not work either; we've got two different, internal UR "location findings" above: %ITEM_PATH% for links, and %ITEM% (which should be sufficient anyway) for command line triggering, so perhaps, some inbound link format, just using the ID, not the internal path, could help?

Also see where I shared the code to trigger it by AHK "run", but that's not linking, i.e. using the in-built target-trigger functionality of the "source" app.

Last edited by Spliff; 02-15-2024 at 06:18 AM.
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