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Old 04-08-2024, 11:40 AM
cnewtonne cnewtonne is online now
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Join Date: 07-27-2006
Posts: 534
Spliff ...

What I have found to be most effective way of reporting issues is to ...

1. Use a numbered list of reproduction steps vs. long paragraphs & pages.
2. Describe steps using the UI command words. Use same terms the app is using.
3. Use screenshots and recordings if you want to show reproduction steps/errors.

In this thread, you have described a usability issue using 6,526 words. Using default MS Word settings, these are 13 pages! Still, it is hard to understand what you're describing. I thought I understood you from the very first post, but you lost me later.

Software is science. As such, it is concise and is described in exact steps and words. Make it easy for yourself and your fellow users by adhering to these simple steps, please!

Thank you very much.
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