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Old 05-04-2024, 01:25 PM
cnewtonne cnewtonne is online now
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Join Date: 07-27-2006
Posts: 534
The issue appears to be related to a race condition between opening/closing QS tabs and what happens when a new QS tab is created i.e. executing a search.

All crashes occur when a new QS is created using CTRL+T.

I was able to reproduce it using this procedure as well.

- Verify search option 'automatically start saved search when search item selected' is ON. When OFF, creating a new QS tab (with search string entered) will not populate the related items or search pane.
- Make sure child items / search results pane is displayed. I have mine placed bottom of data explorer pane.

1. Call QS tab using keyboard.
2. Type search string, hit ENTER. Requires relatively large URD DB to slow search a bit.
3. Duplicate tab many times using CTRL+T (do not release the T key): Create 20 more. Every new tab will execute the search and populate the related items/search pane.
4. Close them all using CTRL+SHIFT+W.
5. Repeat steps above till you get a crash or an AV error.

I think disabling search option 'automatically start saved search when search item selected' helps. I was not able to reproduce crash when this option off. I'll confirm again.

I was not able to reproduce it in newly created empty DB's. The crash procedure requires relatively large data to slow search down when new QS is created/closed.

I will try using older tomorrow.

Last edited by cnewtonne; 05-04-2024 at 01:40 PM.
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