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Old 01-22-2005, 06:21 PM
kevina kevina is online now
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Join Date: 03-27-2003
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Ultra Recall parses the main content of an Info Item (either the document or the rich text for most others [excluding the Contacts template and those derived from it]) for keywords but the entire text is not stored as plain text. Ultra Recall was designed this way as the best tradeoff between search performance, space and time efficiency and as a way to avoid ever having a stale index (that needs to be periodically rebuilt).

In other words true "phrase searching" is only available for the text assigned to String Attributes of an Info Item but not the assigned keywords. We are investigating technology that would allow efficient phrase indexing that would keep all updates atomic (all or nothing with an index that is always current - the way Ultra Recall currently works).

A couple options currently exist, you can search for phrases in the title or other string attributes, or you can add common search phrases as a "keyword", then enter the phrase to search for with double-quotes as previously mentioned in the thread.
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