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Old 01-26-2005, 11:01 PM
wussery wussery is online now
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Join Date: 01-17-2005
Posts: 36
Originally posted by vamp07
Did you ever get your searches to work? I tried incorporating this method into my own files. I started with the Next Actions and children whose names start with @. I then created a search for parent whose name start with @ etc but nothing seems to pick up on that stuff I place in these folders. I then went to your template and tried the same thing and the searches don't work either.
vapm07, my apologies for the misstatement below. You are correct the code for the Next Actions Search button is faulty. Change the criteria to Parent Title Contains Keywords and keep everything else the same. The current search criteria is Parent Title Matches Wildcard. I had this running before and obviously changed the parameters. Thanks for the heads up.
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