Thread: Navigation Bug
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Old 01-27-2005, 04:31 PM
ExtraLean ExtraLean is online now
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Originally posted by kinook
I haven't been able to reproduce this problem here (perhaps you're clicking back before the web page has finished loading?). If you're able to narrow down a specific case to reproduce, let us know.
Perhaps that is the case... upon trying it a few times, it does appear that when the page isn't fully loaded, it does the "double-back" thing. Even if the page is only half loaded, from a user's perspective, I still expect to go back to the previous page... not two pages back.

Originally posted by kinook
Regarding opening a link in the RTF editor externally, you can use Ctrl+Shift+Q with the cursor on the URL, but Shift+Click is reserved by the RTF editor for selecting text. We'll see about supporting Ctrl+Click here instead.
That would be great... especially since you have to use the keyboard to position the cursor within the URL because if I *click* within the URL, it takes me to the webpage
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