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Old 01-30-2005, 01:01 PM
Steve10 Steve10 is online now
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Join Date: 01-29-2005
Posts: 15
Several Suggestions/Bugs

I have been using UR heavily for a couple of days now and I am very impressed to say the least. I apologize if some of these have already been reported.


1) It would be helpful if the Back button on mouse could be used to simulate clicking the Back button in UR.

2) Add a "Numbering" feature like in Word to compliment the Bullet Point feature.

3) Add Tables like in Word.

4) Add Password protection for individual Parent/Child Items instead of only for the entire database.

5) Add a Screen Capture feature like SnagIt.

6) Allow Favorites to be placed on a toolbar.

7) The font Combo box does not advance to font if a letter is entered. For example I click in the Font combo box and type V trying to quickly find Verdana but nothing happens.


1) In the Data Explorer when clicking a - of a parent field it does not always collapse the group if you are selected on a child item.

2) Search always disables the Auto Hide feature for the Child Items. It would probably be best if the Search used its own results pane instead of the Child Items. I like to have the Child section smaller for most of my items but when searching I would want it to larger to display a lot more information.

3) Most words with an Apostrophe like that’s or won't are not in the supplied dictionary and cannot seem to be added to the Dictionary when highlighted.
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