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Old 02-01-2005, 07:06 AM
lena lena is online now
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Join Date: 01-19-2005
Posts: 18
command line option /item

I want to open UR at a specific info item. In the Help file I read that I should use: UltraRecall.exe /item but when I try, for example

UltraRecall.exe /item reviews

UR does come to the front but the specified info item (reviews, in my example) is not selected. It does not matter if I enclose the item name in quotes or not. What am I doing wrong?

Ultimately, I would like to do:

UltraRecall.exe /item reviews /import ""

So that the url is imported at the specified info item. Is dat at all possible?

[edit] I searched a bit more, and found that I have to specify the ItemID on the command line (makes much more sense indeed). At first, I could not find the ItemID referenced anywhere, but after a little more tinkering (I really actually did play with this for a while before I asked the question, really), I found that there is a "system attributes to display" option. I now see the ItemID, and I can open the item from the command line. Very cool.

My last question remains, though. I would really like to automatically import something at the right place. Is this possible at the moment?

Last edited by lena; 02-01-2005 at 08:13 AM.
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