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Old 02-01-2005, 09:44 AM
lena lena is online now
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Join Date: 01-19-2005
Posts: 18
I found a sort-of solution. In the Import options I can say "Insert imported items at bold item in Data Explorer". This does exactly what I want (I continue to be amazed that you have added options for things I never expected), but I only want that when I import from the command line. When I am surfing the web I want the stuff I Win-V to be in the Imported Items, so that I can categorize it later.

I think I should be able to work around this, I just make a wrapper script that sets and then resets the registry option to import at the bold item.

It would still be great if the command line option supported this itself, I think people want to import from the command line in a very different way then when they are actively importing things.
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