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Old 02-01-2005, 10:24 AM
kevina kevina is online now
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Join Date: 03-27-2003
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While your suggestion about deleting temp files when they are removed seems straight-forward, Ultra Recall has no definitive way of "knowing" when the user is done using the temp file externally, and therefore doesn't have the information necessary to do this properly (which is why it works like it does).

Since Ultra Recall can't positively determine whether a file is still in use or not (and we don't want to create multiple external copies of the same file unnecessarily), Ultra Recall will reuse the same temp file even if you have changed the title. Other things can prevent the temp file from being named identically to the title as well, such as:
1) The title contains characters invalid in a file name/path
2) A copy with that name already exists in the folder and can't/shouldn't be overwritten

The second issue you raise, where the wrong file is displayed under the sequence of events you describe is indeed a bug. This will be fixed in the next minor release of Ultra Recall.
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