Thread: 403 - Forbidden
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Old 02-01-2005, 01:29 PM
kcunningham kcunningham is online now
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Join Date: 05-24-2004
Posts: 4

Ok, I think I know what the problem is but not sure how to fix it. There is another vdir that I forgot to mention in the previous post. So the url is really http://localhost/Rootweb/anothervdir/MyApp .

When I am setting up my environment I am certain to setup this vdir. I have verified that. Not to mention that VS.NET can find my web project fine via the solution and it build fine. But it appears the probing done through VPB doesn seem to find it.

This is the folder structure:

The Vdirs (RootWeb, AnotherVDir, Mypp) map directly on top of these.

The kicker is when I tweak the web project URL and vdirs to the 2 vdir setup it builds fine. So,

http://rootWeb/MyApp = WORKS!
http://rootWeb/AnotherVDir/MyApp = NO WORKIE!

Does this happen for you too?

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