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Old 02-03-2005, 12:03 AM
Steve10 Steve10 is online now
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Join Date: 01-29-2005
Posts: 15
Originally posted by kinook
4) Add Password protection for individual Parent/Child Items instead of only for the entire database.
It's not likely we'll do this. Why would you want to have to remember different passwords for different items? Is the intent of this to allow user-level security within a database or something? [/B]
Programs like Microsoft OneNote and WinOrganizer support this. The reason it is important is I do not want to always have to enter a password each time I open my file using UR. There might only be a handful of topics that I really want to password protect.

Take for example most of the information I enter into UR is research on the web but there are also some pages that I add that have passwords or other personal information stored in them. These are the pages I would like to assign a password to. Keep in mind I would prefer it to be the same password for all those pages. I do not want to assign unique passwords to each page but that might be a good enhancement for others.

Maybe the compromise would be to add a feature that flagged a page password protected using the global password as part of the Item Attributes or something. Pages that are not flagged would not be protected. That way if I had 100 pages I could flag 5 or so to be protected using the global password. The rest would not be protected allowing anyone to see this information.

When selecting a page that was flagged password protected it would then display the password dialog box allowing me to gain access to that page and all other pages flagged.
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