Thread: Relationships
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Old 02-08-2005, 03:12 PM
srdiamond srdiamond is online now
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Re: Relationships

Originally posted by HalfCyborg
This is where UR falls down, badly. Instead of just relating items (associates), I have to promote one to be the parent, and demote the other to be the child. For instance, take the link to launch my source-control software..... Should ProjectX "own" the software (project is parent) or should the software "own" the project (software is parent)? And how can I launch all 5-10 items used to manage the project without going back-and-forth between nodes in the tree? See my dilemma?

Hopefully, I've made some sense here. Thanks, and congrats on a great looking product.
Kevina has indicated that (for better or worse) hyperlinks are "on the list."

I don't see, however, where there is a problem in launching all the items without going back and forth. The UR interface allows multiple selection of items, so you can select what you need and then launch in one stroke.

As to which is parent and which is child, it's your choice how you define parent and child, beyond their purely formal properties. I think the best practice is to try to articulate a concept of how you will apply hierarchy and then apply that concept consistently. That two people using the same program will define subordination differently when mapping it on to the world means hierarchical concepts are flexible, not that either makes an error. But if the user can't fix on a concept and apply it consistently within his model, he will have problems.

FWIW, I think users of outline-based programs and other organizers give insufficient thought as a rule to their organizational scheme, expecting the mapping from formalism to data to be more transparent and unequivocal than it can ever be.

Stephen Diamond
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