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Old 02-10-2005, 07:59 PM
lattara lattara is online now
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Join Date: 02-10-2005
Posts: 1
EVC workspace reloading for each project

I have a workspace with about 60 projects in it and when I do a build, it loads the workspace for each projects.

What I'd like is to call EVC with the workspace and which project that I want to build and it will go through the dependencies and build each project. In otherwords, the command line would be EVC.EXE workspace.vcw /MAKE "Application - Win32 (WCE ARMV4i) Release MinDependency" /NORECURSE /ceconfig=A404_DEV_IMAGE_REV_C

My workspace actually contains 2 applications in it, so I know I need to call it twice ( 1 for each application ).
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