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Old 02-16-2005, 12:30 AM
gribble gribble is online now
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Join Date: 06-04-2003
Posts: 21
Ill add my vote to this list!

At the moment i have to do a few manual steps on our IIS server to complete a deployment. If there was a way i could automate the changing of the ports on one of the multiple websites on an IIS server, i could then "trick" microsofts own .NET website msi installation package to install tothe correct one (it only can go by port number, it doesnt handle the fact you can have multiple sites on the same IIS box on the same port, with different hostheaders being the defining factor between sites and not the port!). Stupid microsoft

this kind of integration with IIS would also open up new doorways for us, as we could use it for deploying many of our other websites and setting the host headers etc automatically.

with IIS6 and the XML metabase backend the possibilities are even greater. I have already started writing a .NET based tool using System.DirectoryServices for looking at the IIS server part of things, then manipulating XML schema files and using cscript.exe to release the schema to another IIS server but preserving that servers filesystem etc. Then the actual webpages are updated from a zip file or from our source control system (perforce).

So if you are really keen, it isnt too hard to do this stuff yourself... you could even write a custom action for VBPro!!!