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Old 02-19-2005, 01:50 PM
srdiamond srdiamond is online now
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Join Date: 11-23-2004
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Posts: 126
This behavior can be the result of a conflict with the skinning application WindowBlinds. I find that some of the schemes have this effect on UR and others don't, but most do conflict. You can set the scheme for UR as different from the others, if you don't want to use a UR-friendly generally throughout the system. A scheme that I find works with UR is called XP Copper, in case you want to test whether this diagnosis is accurate.

Maybe on your system it's something else, but it seems to me that the fact that this behavior is caused by Windowblinds probably indicates that if there's a different cause in your case, it probably is the result of some other software conflict.

Stephen Diamond

Originally posted by kevina
I don't know how Ultra Recall could be configured to give the bizarre behaviour you describe. When you say the scroll bars don't respond, what exactly do they do (or not do)? Do they appear disabled (grey) or simply won't slide, or??

What Operating System/Service Pack are you using? What version of Ultra Recall do you have installed (you can view this @ Tools -> About -> Install Info...).
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