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Old 02-23-2005, 02:00 PM
fkish fkish is online now
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Join Date: 06-26-2003
Posts: 11

Yes it looks like the "Title" property is the cause. What I found is that if in the IDE you go to "Project > Properties > Make" just opening up that dialog and then saving the VBP will set the Title property to the same name as the project. I would think that the "Title" could be added as a cmd line compile option "/cmd or /c", but I could not get that to this I mean just at the cmd line, nothing related to Visual Builder. All I could find on this option was the text from MSDN on this but no examples so maybe I just have the syntax wrong.

I can use the logic in the script you sent but I believe the "Title" has to come before the line "[MS Transaction Server]", which is added to my projects each time. Otherwise the "Title" property is not used (I assume it is seen as relating to the "[MS Transaction Server]"). So what I did was add a "Make VB6" step that only updates the properties. In this step I update the "Comments" property with a specific value and then in the Replace step I use this as the Replace value. Then on compile I overwrite this.

Thank for the script, I was having a hard time getting some like the vbld_GetFileContents condition to work.

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