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Old 03-02-2005, 02:26 PM
kevina kevina is online now
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I've responded to each question inline below:

1) Agenda Style Categorizing (in Related Items Pane):

a) We did review Agenda during the development stage of Ultra Recall, which provided some inspiration for the design in Ultra Recall. A few similar suggestions have already been made on the forum, and we are interested in implementing something along these lines. To be honest, we are still grappling with exactly what is being requested and how to design it while maintaining the purposefully uncluttered, intuitive and flexible design we already have. In addition the feature must not compromise the high-performance standard we insist on maintaining.
b) From the different requests we have received, it seems to be a type of data pivot or crosstab of the Info Items where the column headers are Info Item names, and the rows are Info Items that meet a criteria and indicate whether they are parented "related" to the Info Items in the headers. Is that a general synopsis of what is being requested?
c) If you have specific examples or diagrams of what you would like to see provided, please post them to the form or email them to

2) The grids should be able to show all of the children of a particular parent (not just the direct descendants).

Response) This is already on our list as well, but we haven't arrived at the optimal implementation yet (one thought was a system Attribute that could be assigned and given a value that would flatten the child list (show all children). Does that sound reasonable or do you envision a different implementation?
Note: currently you can create a quick search with no criteria (maybe named "All Children"), limited to search the bold explorer item, in the Search Pane. To use it, select the item to show all children for (in the Data Explorer Pane), then the 'All Children' Search item to view all descendants of any item.

3) Rich text entry for non-displayed documents in Item Details Pane:

Response) This is available now with the Item Notes Pane. By default this Pane is docked with the Item Attributes Pane, which normally hides it and typically makes it fairly small. You can dock it in a different location to make it larger and/or always visible... One issue with your suggestion is that if the document type (extension) is added to the list to be displayed in Ultra Recall, then the rich text that was previously assigned will no longer be visible/accessible...

4) XML other import/export...

Response) XML import/export is already on the todo list, near the top so it hopefully will be available in an upcoming release of Ultra Recall. Do you have a schema in mind for this import/export (such as OPML)?

5) User-defined forms:

Response) As you noted, this request is already on our todo list, and will take some work to implement, but we agree that will be a handy feature.

6) Automatic creation of attributes...

a) This feature is available now. It is documented Under Document Summary Attributes in the helpfile (online @ In a nutshell, if you have the appropriate option turned on (Tools | Options | Import (more) | Map Explorer summary properties to existing Ultra Recall attributes), and you create Attributes (Tools | Attributes) that have the same name as the Summary properties you wish to get Item Attributes for, they will be added automatically.
b) I don't quite understand how your suggested API would work. Can you elaborate?

7) Please don't turn this into a standard calendar/contact type of PIM, major in information management.

Response) We tend to agree with your assessment, however we have had numerous requests for more calendar/contact management as well. Our goal is to excel at information management, but if we can add features that facilitate the latter without compromising the former, we will probably add them as well (within reason).

What does the attribute "Original Parent" mean?

Response) The "Original Parent" system attribute is used to indicate the original location of Info Items deleted to the Recycle Bin (this attribute should only be assigned to Info Items parented directly to the Recycle Bin). Perhaps this should information should be added to the Help File.

Thanks for a remarkable first release. I appreciate the opportunity to make suggestions, and I wish you the best!

We are confident that Ultra Reall is an innovative, useful product with a lot of potential. Thank you for your positive feedback and encouragement!
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