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Old 03-07-2005, 09:16 AM
Andrew Andrew is online now
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Join Date: 12-01-2004
Posts: 19
It seemed I was changeing the log in the very first steps, and it was writing the heading to the old log file instead of the new one.

The chain sample worked like it should work.

I've solved this now but I stumbled on another problem. I now build to a buildxml.log and delete this log file efore I start building.

When an error occures during on a step, within a group. I call a global error handeling function. This will copy the buildxml.log file to a new logfile yyyymmdd_hhmm.xml.

Next I call a transform XML log but this always fails with the error:

Error at line 6, position 3 loading 'C:\DOCUME~1\Build\LOCALS~1\Temp\bldB18.tmp': End tag 'step' does not match the start tag 'build'.
I have to option close input log file xml tags checked

PS: I'm using vbp 5.7
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