Thread: Relationships
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Old 03-10-2005, 09:02 AM
VincentPeppe VincentPeppe is online now
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Re: Re: Relationships

FWIW, I think users of outline-based programs and other organizers give insufficient thought as a rule to their organizational scheme, expecting the mapping from formalism to data to be more transparent and unequivocal than it can ever be.
Stephen Diamond [/B]
That is an interesting comment. At times I have fallen into the trap of believing that a hierarchy will always make order out of chaos. That kind of thinking is both rigid and naive. After trying many outliners, I am currently using ListPro because it is the only one that I have found that allows me to define several custom columns and sort by them. Of course, other features are lacking. On a related note - I would be interested to know which programs you have tried and how you rate them.

Vincent Peppe
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