Thread: Relationships
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Old 03-10-2005, 05:43 PM
PureMoxie PureMoxie is online now
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Re: Relationships

Originally posted by HalfCyborg
Instead of just relating items (associates), I have to promote one to be the parent, and demote the other to be the child. For instance, take the link to launch my source-control software..... Should ProjectX "own" the software (project is parent) or should the software "own" the project (software is parent)?
I understand where you are coming from and wouldn't object to cross-links myself, but I would suggest that you think of the UR tree as being more flexible. You can have some branches of the tree where you are really applying hierarchy in a well organized, consistent manner. But other sections can use the tree purely for relationships. In other words, does it really matter if something is a parent or a child as long as it related?

My approach in building relationships that aren't technically parent-child is simply to paste linked items beneath whatever item was there first in the tree. Since there are several ways to get around to different related items, it doesn't seem to matter in practice whether something is a parent or a child - when I am thinking of relationships over hierarchy.
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