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Old 03-11-2005, 04:13 PM
KEMA KEMA is online now
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Join Date: 03-11-2005
Posts: 3
Searching for linked Items

Hi everybody!

I'm trying UR for two days now - it's really an amazing tool! For now, I have two questions / suggestions:

Is there a way to search for linked Items? The idea is to search for linked Sub-Items by using the search option 'Limit search to bold item in Data Explorer pane'. The actual release of UR only finds not linked items. I would like to build an info base with various categories, each of them represented as a folder item in data explorer. The data items I have, have to be assigned to more than one of these categories, what I will realize using logical linking. Now I would like to be able to search for all items assigned to a specific category. How this could be done?

Second, item attributes are a great feature in UR. I only miss one thing: The ability to create sub attributes and sub attribute-categories. This would be a great enhancement of UR!

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