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Old 03-14-2005, 03:21 AM
Will Eatherton Will Eatherton is online now
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Join Date: 01-14-2005
Posts: 17
Losing track of near, long, never feature addition plans

I have been using UR for month or two now and checking in on the boards at least weekly. One thing I am starting to get confused about is that when I think of a new feature that would be really nice I have trouble remembering if that has been already flagged as near/long/never or if it is a brand new request. I can narrow this down some with searches of forum but still little confusing.

I know you dont want to make comittments but if there was a list on the website that head near/long/never categories of feature plans that might cut down on redundant requests and give folks a rough idea of what might be coming down the pipe.

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