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Old 03-17-2005, 08:23 AM
davidwhyte davidwhyte is offline
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Join Date: 03-11-2005
Posts: 2
Thank you very much for responding so quickly Kevin, especially as I have not registered yet.
By all accounts, the forum participation of the developers is a key incentive for using
Ultra Recall.

It does look like there is an issue when importing .mht files. I have a group of question/answer .mht
files that I have imported into a test.urd file. The title tags (<TITLE>Binatone Support</TITLE>) are the same for each file.
The Info Item's name seems to be generated from this tag and it looks like all the imported items are the same.
The filenames have gone into the URL field and these are all different but the items - all of which
do actually show ok without generating an access violation error - are all the same.

I have sent an e-mail to Kinook Support as advised above and have attached this test file alongwith
the original file that became corrupted / inaccessible.

I have some more bad news though. Now a second of my .urd files has gone the same way.

I had made "backup" copies of all my .urd files on Monday (14 Mar) afternoon but regrettably
the "backup" copy I made also has this error.

I have no idea what has happened to this second file as I was using it without any problems and it closed
without any error messages. When I tried to open it on Tuesday (15 Mar) night I received this error again (see attached screenshot).

This time I made a copy of the second .urd file and ran the Compact and Repair on it the same way as the first.
It reduced in size by 97% (the original file was something similar) and upon opening the file there was
just the default items (Notes, Templates etc).

I am now very disppointed as I thought I had found the perfect program for my needs but it appears that there
is a serious issue which ultimately is compromising the integrity of my data.

I regret deciding to import all my documents now and wish that I had just tried a few for backup purposes.
I didn't want the program to be for just backing up, I wanted to have all my documents available for working
on directly. I'm now in a position where I don't have much confidence in the software.

I hope a resolution will emerge fairly quickly. Even though, my initial excitement at the prospects of
what I could do with Ultra Recall has now given way to a feeling of trepidation.

Attached Images
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