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Old 06-04-2003, 09:01 AM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
Location: Colorado
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You need to specify the workspace file in the Make VC6 action in order for it to process project dependencies, are you doing that? The only situation that I've seen the Make VC6 action not correctly process dependencies is when the workspace's dependency reference to a project did not match the actual project name (somehow the workspace had gotten into an invalid state by manual editing or something). Other than that, it is possible for the Make VC6 action to process projects in a different order than the VC IDE, but it always correctly honors dependencies, except in the situation above. If you could send the workspace file and a log showing the order that VisBuildProis processing the projects to, I can take a look and see if something is amiss.
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