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Old 05-17-2005, 09:21 AM
kevina kevina is online now
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Join Date: 03-27-2003
Posts: 825
You previously reference using an ASP page for remote file access for remote users. You should be able to provide access to Ultra Recall files this same way (basically identical to a Microsoft Word file).

If the Ultra Recall files being used are small enough to quicly download, the user could simply access the file directly from the ASP page (which would cause the latest file to be downloaded opened in the associated application: Ultra Recall if it is installed locally).

If the files are large enough to require a significant time to download, you could simply notify the remote users when they need to retrieve the latest file and have them retrieve the it to their remote workstation (via the ASP webpage, VPN, etc) and always use that local copy.

Just wanted to clarify that in case there was some confusion.
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