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Old 05-23-2005, 10:16 PM
kevina kevina is online now
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Join Date: 03-27-2003
Posts: 825
In that case, the logic used by the search would be:

(FollowUp=yes AND ParentTitle <> TEMPLATES) OR (DueDate="" OR DueDate >= TODAY)

which is the logical equivalent of:

(FollowUp=yes AND ParentTitle <> TEMPLATES) OR DueDate="" OR DueDate >= TODAY

You initially said you wanted to achieve this: "... where (FollowUp = yes and there is no DueDate) OR (FollowUp = Yes and Due date is less than or equal to TODAY)".

To obtain this logic you should construct your search like this:

AND DueDate =""
OR <indent 1> FollowUp=Yes
AND <indent 1>DueDate <= TODAY

or the similar (but equivalent)

AND <indent 1> DueDate NOT EXISTS
OR <indent 1> DueDate = ""
OR <indent 1> DueDate <= TODAY

The AND or OR for the first row at a new indent level determines how the expression represented by that indent level is evaluated related to the other indent levels... Hope that helps. [We'll work on the help file to try to make this clearer for future users!]

Note: The last suggestion also handles the situation where a Followup attribute is assigned (to an Info Item), but no DueDate attribute is even assigned (not sure if this is necessary for your data or not).
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