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Old 06-03-2005, 11:16 AM
kevina kevina is online now
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Join Date: 03-27-2003
Posts: 825
How do I import Info Select data?

In Info Select:
1) select the root node and expand all nodes to be exported
2) choose File | Import/Export | Export to File on the menu bar (in IS 10, click the Save drop-down button and choose Export to a File)
3) choose Note Delimited in the Save as type field
4) enter a filename
5) click Save

In Ultra Recall
1) choose File | Import on the menu
2) choose A text or rich text file, click Next
3) enter or browse to the text file exported above
4) click A String
-- enter a delimiter string of <press Enter>--<press Enter>
(note: press the Enter key above rather than typing in the text <press Enter>)
-- check Remove String if not already checked
-- click Next
5) choose import location
6) click Finish

A separate Text item will be created in Ultra Recall for each Info Select item that was exported.

Alternatively, export individual items as RTF or HTML and import by dragging and dropping or copying and pasting from Windows Explorer or using the Files import option in Ultra Recall.
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