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Old 06-07-2005, 11:13 AM
kevina kevina is online now
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After posting this, I feel it is necessary to emphasize that this really isn't the "right" way to handle step success/failure/output. My example was intended to demonstate script and subroutine usage in Visual Build Professional and not to introduce a way to complicate what should be a very simple build!

Visual Build Professional already handles the different outcomes of the Make VB6 step (as well as other actions) by logging an appropriate entry, and terminating the build if/when an error occurs (unless Ignore Failure is set).

In the case of not building, or success, your concept essentially repeats that same log message (redundantly).

If the step fails to build, the build will stop anyway, so handling this manually is also redundant.

Finally, instead of trying to create a special subroutine to handle compatibility errors, build with project compatibility instead (set the Set version compatibility before building: to "Project Compability", and check the "Set projects to binary compatibility after building" checkbox). This will resolve most compatibility issues.

I don't want to sound critical of your idea, but rather to mention that your request works around the capabilities already present in Visual Build Professional for the very same purposes.
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