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Old 06-08-2005, 07:11 AM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
Location: Colorado
Posts: 6,049
The VBP way to handle VB compatibility builds is to specify a project group file (VBG) which contains all dependent projects in the Make VB6 action, and build with project or no compatibility (it will ensure proper build order and automatically fix up references within the group, see [1] and [2] for more details).

One extension to this that you might consider if binary compatibility will usually succeed is to have two Make VB6 steps, the first set to ignore failure and binary compatibility, the next to not ignore failure and set project compatibility, with a build rule to build only if the %LASTSTEP_STATUS% is not 0 (or using a more complex expression that looks specifically for compatibility compilation errors in %LASTSTEP_OUTPUT%).

Regarding build log verbosity, if you use the XML log format (Tools | Application Options | Logging) and the Transform XML Log action (which generates an HTML report from the XML log), you can configure the report as to which types of steps (succeeded, failed, etc.) and the amount of step output to include for each step. The report is also formatted in a more readable format than a plain text log file. It's also possible to entirely disable logging for one or more steps. See the Logging.bld sample and [3] and [4] for more details on these features.

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