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Old 06-24-2003, 04:13 PM
pjaquiery pjaquiery is online now
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Join Date: 01-20-2003
Location: Dunedin, New Zealand
Posts: 114
In principle you can get a history for a file or project in VSS and then parse that to find people who modified files. For that to work well you have to know when the previous get that was built against was performed and find all the people who have checked in stuff since that time.

Rather than go to all that work for our nightly build, I associate a list of email addresses with each VBP project that is built in the nightly build and every one on the list gets email if a compile fails for a project. Note that only the "administrator" gets mail if the VBP build fails through a script error or some such and that for us a lot of peoples work is compartmentalised so that we can be fairly specific about who gets mail.

BTW, if you haven't found VBPs script support yet, have a look. It does pure magic for this sort of problem. For example, I use some script to parse the compiler's error log and report error counts against projects in the email and send the log as an attachment.
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