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Old 03-06-2003, 09:53 PM
Posts: n/a
FAILSTEP_NAME not being set

The FAILSTEP_NAME does not seem to be set when an operation fails. Basic overview of my script is as follows..

STEP_1: Checks if any source files it needs are already checked out. If any files are checked out the script fails. To do this I am using a Visual Source Safe Action configured as a 'Status' operation.

STEP_2..STEP_X: Check out and compile etc. I also have a conditional failure step in my script. The condition is based on whether it fails on 'Step 1' or elsewhere. I have tried checking the FAILSTEP_NAME in the failure step but its value is always blank. I assumed it should equal the 'Name' field in the properties dialog for STEP_1. Anybody know where I'm going wrong?

I'm using Visual Build Pro v4.6b
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