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Old 09-22-2005, 09:14 AM
kevina kevina is online now
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Join Date: 03-27-2003
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There is an attribute pre-defined called Country (used by the Contact template). We didn't populate the list values for this attribute with every country name, the list would be huge and inapplicable to the average user (each user would only use a very small subset of the loaded values).

If the Auto-Complete from other Items option is checked, then as you populate the Country attribute with different country names as you use Ultra Recall, the list of values that have been assigned this attribute (for all items) will be used for auto-completion of that attribute.

Assume you have Info Items with the following values assigned to the Country attribute: USA, Canada, Mexico, Russia, Spain. If you add another Contact Info Item, the Country attribute will auto-populate (as you edit the attribute value) with these five country names (along with any list values you have assigned to the Country attribute).

Is that clear?
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