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Old 10-04-2005, 11:51 AM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
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Possibly use a single MsgBox call and keep moving it down to see how far it gets.

It seems that using Send Mail / Copy Files steps at the end of the build (for success) and also in Failure steps would be exactly what you need if you want to send a different message on failure.

The only time the VBP logging components open the log file are to actually write something to it, which in the context of the vbld_BuildDone event would only happen due to a Builder.LogMessage call. And they open the file with share for read access, so even if they had it open when copied, I wouldn't expect that to cause the copy to fail. You might check the Event Viewer's application log to see if VBP reported any errors there that it couldn't log for some reason.

One other option to avoid copying would be to write the log file directly to the log archive directory.

I can't reproduce the problem here, so it's probably dependent on other build processing that doesn't happen here since we don't have everything needed to actually build your entire project. If you can narrow things down to a reproducible test case, that will greatly increase the chances of us being able to debug it.
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