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Old 11-11-2005, 01:55 PM
fkish fkish is online now
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Join Date: 06-26-2003
Posts: 11
Change File Properties (Summary tab)?

Does anyone know how to automate updating of file properties, such as comments, on the summary tab (that is the one you would get to by right clicking on a file>Properties...>Summary tab)

For the Version tab you can do this in Visual Builder when you compile VB\C++\.Net I would like to do something similar to the Comments section on the Summary Tab for other types of files (ini, txt, mdb, etc).

I have search around but most utilities I have found just update the attributes on the General tab (dates, read only, etc).

Perhaps there is a command line utility...or something in Visual Builder I can't find.

Maybe I'm just missing something??

Thanks for any suggestions,
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