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Old 11-15-2005, 07:42 AM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
Location: Colorado
Posts: 6,049
There aren't any known problems or limits with that functionality. The chained process environment block will be inherited from the parent VBP process. Does the attached sample work properly (logging the XDK/XEDK environment variable values in both instances)?

Some things that could influence treatment of environment variables within VBP are

1) modification of 'Tools | Application Options | General | Include environment variables in system macros' (Application.Options.EnvVarsInSystemMacros in script code).

2) setting and/or deleting macros via a Set Macro action with 'Add to environment variables when calling external programs' checked.

3) Using the VBP object model to modify environment variables (see 'Environment Variables' section of the Advanced.bld sample).
Attached Files
File Type: bld chainvar.bld (811 Bytes, 2002 views)
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