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Old 11-19-2005, 04:45 AM
devon devon is online now
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Join Date: 11-19-2005
Posts: 5

I am currently evaluating UR, as I want to consolidate all the masses of info I have gathered, and to be able to find "that note, that file" when I need it.

On very first impression, UR appears to be EXACTLY what I am looking for. And I am 99%+ sure I will purchase it, however, of course, I needed to evaluate it, to be sure it can handle my needs.

Now to evaluate, I thought I will threw a mass of stuff at it, and see if I can easily retrieve info via a search.

Hence, my dilemma

1) I tried imported "my Internet Explorer favourites" recursively only to find out that if there is an error with an url, it will display an error message i.e. "Url not found ... Continue processing remaining files?", with a Yes/No message box!!

Please tell me, there is a way in UR to start an import and leave it running i.e. overnight ... otherwise IMHO it defeats the object of importing since, I have to wait and see if an errorbox appears in order to click, YES to continue ....
I quckly searched the help file to discover that you can do
'Shift-Yes' however I have to wait to see 'if' the errorbox appears in the first place!!!
Please, can you add an option to import regardless of any errors encountered

2) I tried another tactic, I decided to import a folder of 1,815 files (97.7MB) non-recursively.
I started it off and left it to run.

In the morning, there was awaiting me that above errorbox message box again, complaining about an url.

So, there appears to be no way of leaving an import to run unassisted.
Also, if you hit NO to the "continue processing remaining files?" question it CANCELS EVERYTHING!!
(Also, when you it "Cancel" during an import)

Is that right? I assumed it would at least process up to that point all the files that UR had imported. But no, it literally cancels everything. Maybe, you should have an option to imported up to that point. If the user doesn't want them, he can always remove them from the "Imported Items" folder, I assume.

So, I haven't really had the chance to evaluate UR as I would like to because I haven't completed a decent 'import' yet.

So ...
a) Is there a way, you can implement an option, to tell UR to continue an import regardless of any errors it meets on the way i.e. equivalent to hitting a 'Shift-Yes' from the very beginning
(I guess you can always produce an error log of the files/url it had a problem with)

3) BTW, I tried another 'import folder' and I got the following error message: "Error importing files: library routine called out of sequence"
I had to come out of UR, go back in, and try again.

I desperately need a "Continue Regardless" option so that I can evaluate UR. Can you please help? As I really like your product, and I just want to be certain that it can do what I need.

Thanking You In Advance

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