Windowblinds Update
While probably 99% of Windowblinds schemes are incompatible, there are various excellent ones that work. Most of these are by the skin designer Essorant, one of the best. The converse isn't true though: most of Essorant's skins do NOT work.
Here are some excellent Essorant skins that work: Sinter, Ferix, bazoob, Intrastate, Phase_Change, vGreen.
Other good Essorant skins that work: Jinx, Melt.
Other very popular and contemporary skins that work, more recent than any of the ones above: Liquid2 (Dangereuse), DogmaX 4 (Brewman).
Some "archaic" skins that work, by Alexandrie: XP Copper, XP Coppery, XP Charcoal.
You can also instruct Windowblinds not to skin UltraRecall or to use another skin for it alone (from the above lists). Neither of these really works right, in that the appearance turns out worse than if you had not used Windowblinds. Things are combined or omitted in the process of filtering.
Users of Windowblinds in most cases will (imo) find Ultra Recall's Data Explorer unusable. How many will think to check the FAQ? The use of Windowblinds is sufficiently widespread that this must count as an impediment, and I'd suggest that the incompatibility be treated as if it were a bug, which it arguably is.
Stephen R. Diamond
Last edited by srdiamond; 11-28-2005 at 06:59 PM.