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Old 12-04-2005, 11:22 PM
vbNullString vbNullString is online now
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Join Date: 12-04-2005
Posts: 11

OK, I resolved this issue myself. I hope this post will help everyone who comes across this sort of issue.

The issue was that Task Scheduler couldn't run the tasks created with Visual Build Pro 6.0. When I created scheduled task via Tools -> Create Scheduled Task, it created a task with the command like the following.

"C:\Program Files\VisBuildPro6\VisBuildPro.exe" /b "C:\Dev\Test.bld"

Well, with this command, Task Scheduler can't start it if you are not logged on to a session on the build machine because VisBuildPro.exe is a GUI application. Instead, you have to change it to like the following.

"C:\Program Files\VisBuildPro6\VisBuildCmd.exe" /b "C:\Dev\Test.bld"

VisBuildCmd.exe is the key. I would recommend that Visual Build Pro GUI create the scheduled task with VisBuildCmd.exe by default because most of the automated build would run unattended.
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