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Old 12-07-2005, 10:01 AM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
Location: Colorado
Posts: 6,049
The only change I can think of that could come into play here is that the v6.0 Make VS.NET action was built in VS.NET 2003 (.NET Framework 1.1) rather than VS.NET 2002 (.NET 1.0) and may require that .NET 1.1 be installed on the box (it doesn't use anything that wasn't available in .NET 1.0, but the default versioning policy may require 1.1).

Which version(s) of VC.NET and the .NET Framework do you have installed? If the .NET Framework 1.1 is not installed, try installing it. If it is or installing doesn't help, please send a RegMon [1] log (filtered on visbuildpro) when building that step (start RegMon after opening the VBP project, and just rebuild the Make VS.NET step that is failing, then save the log and ZIP and send it to

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