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Old 12-10-2005, 01:39 PM
xja xja is online now
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Join Date: 01-06-2005
Posts: 146
Good idea to consolidate these discussions.

I would like to add to this list the concept of a filtered Data Explorer. It was discussed in this thread:

In a nutshell, allow user to define a DE filter. Only items that match the filter and all of their ancestors (parents, grandparents, etc.) and descendants (children, grandchildren etc) are included in the tree. All other branches are hidden. Optionally, when the filter is applied, auto-expand the tree to show the matched items, auto-collapse all descendants of matched items. When an item is selected, you would still show all children in the Child Items pane.

If you added tabbed functionality, you could assign a DE filter to a tab.

This would allow you to see a subset of your tree within its hierarchical context (which a Search cannot do). So you could do things like hide all completed tasks, show only urgent tasks, view all flagged email by project, and many other useful views.

IMHO, this feature is crucial. I almost bailed out of UR several times because of the lack of this feature... right now, I'm getting by using clunky workarounds as an alternative.
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