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Old 12-14-2005, 06:08 PM
jmm jmm is online now
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Join Date: 07-29-2004
Posts: 10
CF.NET barfs on AssemblyFileVersionAttribute

I have a CF.NET solution (smart device project) that I wish to have VBP version stamp. Ideally, in the same method VBP is used to version-stamp the rest of our win32 software.

VBP is adding the 'AssemblyFileVersionAttribute' in the AssemblyInfo.cs files, but this class is not supported in the compact framework. Why is VBP adding that attribute rather than simply modifying 'AssemblyVersion'? (I know that the latter approach works for both .NET & CF.NET.) Is this a VBP bug? Is there something we are doing wrong?

FWIW, the .bld file used to build *all* .NET projects looks like:
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<project version='5'>
<step action='Make VS.NET' type='0'>
<Attr type='11'>-1</Attr>
<FileVer type='11'>-1</FileVer>
<ParseOutput type='11'>-1</ParseOutput>
<ShowCmd type='11'>-1</ShowCmd>
<VersionSel type='3'>2</VersionSel>
<indent type='3'>1</indent>
<name>Build VS.NET</name>
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