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Old 12-19-2005, 03:55 PM
avenger107 avenger107 is online now
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Join Date: 12-15-2005
Posts: 3
Hoisting, multiple trees etc.

This is an interesting discussion. Thanks for asking.

The problem I see with filtered hoisting is that it appears to be an “ad hoc” function that needs to be repeated each time. Not much different than searching, really. It would seem that you would have to navigate the tree or otherwise find the correct node each time to hoist. This sounds like a great idea for tree navigation, but does not add anything to the organizational capabilities of the product.

Having tabs that open separate, independent trees, (not just a subset of the existing master tree) adds a level of organization that can be useful for logically ordering information. This can be accomplished somewhat today with separate files and hyperlinks, but it is a lot to maintain.
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