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Old 12-19-2005, 08:09 PM
xja xja is online now
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Join Date: 01-06-2005
Posts: 146

Regarding the Collapse Siblings feature in 1.4 (since it is related to this):

Can you PLEASE make it work like Windows Explorer, where if you expand the item by double-clicking (or single-clicking, depending on how you have that option set), then siblings are collapsed, BUT if you expand an item by clicking the "+" next to it, then siblings are NOT collapsed... This would be MUCH more useful.

Separately, regarding this discussion, I see a mention of "filtered hoisting"... filtering and hoisting are two different things... although both show a subset of the tree, they serve two very different purposes. Filtering shows the whole tree with some branches hidden. Hoisting takes one branch (and all its sub-branches) and makes it the root of the tree. I guess you could have a hoisted branch that also has its sub-branches filtered, but they are two distinct things.
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