Thread: Delphi Build
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Old 12-30-2005, 10:59 AM
DavidMacLean DavidMacLean is online now
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Join Date: 12-28-2005
Posts: 19
Thank you for your prompt reponse. Attached is a screen print of a simple test project.

Application options...

1. There are no conditional anywhere (so far as I am aware). So the application option to 'implement nesting of conditional rules' should not apply. However I triesd it both checked and unchecked.

2. 'Implement nesting of conditional build rules' I think should be checked. But again, I tried it both on and off with no observable difference not seem to apply or affect my issue.

I have one group called 'Compile XA'. I uncheck this box, and check it again. I use the menu Options Build/Reset and Build/Restart. I right-click 'Compile XA' and click rebuild selected.

It reports 'Build completed successfully' but never compiles the packages.

I really like (and need) this product, but I am spending too much time trying to do something very simple: compile a set of source files. Sometimes it does, sometimes it does not, and I cannot figure our what is making the difference.

I can reset, then rebuild the entire project. But I am not able to reset and rebuild just one group. No matter what I check or uncheck or reset, it does not 'Compile XA'.

The problem seems to be forcing VisualBuild to recompile every project in a group. Can you come up with a simple sequence of clicks/commands I can follow that will do it *every* time?

If I check a single project for compilation, then 'Rebuild selected' works every time.

When I check the project group, I cannot get consistent results.

What can do, is UNCHECK everything else,. Then a complete rebuild will do what I have 'selected'. This won't be any fun once the project gets bigger!

I hope this makes sense.... appreciate your help. Thank you.
Attached Images
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