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Old 01-03-2006, 06:37 PM
kevina kevina is online now
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dasymington: Are these stored Word documents being viewed/edited in Ultra Recall or externally? Regardless, I don't think the message you are seeing is from Ultra Recall, but rather from Microsoft Word (which is hosted inside Ultra Recall within the internal browser view - embedded Internet Explorer).

If you are viewing them in the internal browser of Ultra Recall, one easy way to verify that the files actually are readonly only is to use Item | Open Document which will open them externally. Is the file readonly (see the caption in Word)?

Note: For unknown reasons, Word sometimes prompts about changes to unchanged files when closing even when they are readonly (a question for Microsoft). If they are not readonly, then something is wrong with Ultra Recall, otherwise the issue is with Microsoft.

Taxi: You state you are "seeing both problems", does this mean you are trying to make all stored rtf content open readonly, and you are trying to view all rtf internally in Ultra Recall with Microsoft Word? This configuration would prevent any stored .rtf content (including Text and derived template Info Items) from being edited at all (which doesn't seem very useful). Am I misunderstanding what you are experiencing/trying to do?
To edit .rtf documents internally, ensure .rtf is in the File extensions to display in internal browser view: extension list on the Browser options tab, to make stored .rtf content open readonly, ensure .rtf is NOT in the File extensions to open stored documents writeable: file extension list on the Documents tab.

Note: the ... writeable: file list doesn't affect linked files
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